FUNERAL MASS OF V. REV. FR. PETER NII BADDOO (March 10, 1944 – October 20, 2023)



READINGS: Acts 9:36-40 and John 19:17-18,25-30


When a priest dies …” Like Tabitha mentioned in the first reading, when a priest dies, many souls testify about his good works. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ testifies in heaven in the priest’s favour.


  • The Story of Tabitha
  • Human Testimonies when a Priest dies
  • The Testimony of Christ when a Priest dies
  1. The Story of Tabitha

According to the first reading, taken from Acts 9:36-40, Tabitha (also known as Dorcas) devoted her time to do good and help the poor. Now, Scripture calls “blessed” those who die in the Lord as their good deeds follow them (cf. Rev. 14:13). Thus, when Tabitha died and St. Peter arrived in her house where she was laid, some of the widows who had benefited from her acts of charity displayed some of the clothes they had received from her. Their testimony about her good works was like a plea to God to raise her up. And so, when St. Peter interceded, she was raised up.

  1. Human Testimonies when a Priest dies

As in the case of Tabitha, when a Catholic priest dies, many people testify about his priestly devotion and acts of charity to the poor and needy. And such testimonies are pleas or prayers to God to raise up the priest unto eternal life.

Now regarding testimonies about Rev. Fr. Baddoo, let me begin on a personal note. In 1976, when the then seminarian Peter Baddoo was doing his pastoral work at the Holy Spirit Cathedral, he was assigned to prepare some candidates (including myself) for Confirmation at St. Kizito Catholic Church, Nima. He prepared us with a compassionate heart. That is, some of the candidates who could not answer all the questions of the oral test were given the opportunity to improve upon themselves before the scheduled date for the administration of the sacrament by the then Bishop Dominic Andoh.

During his pastoral work in Nima, Fr. Baddoo identified a very brilliant but needy 10-year Mass Server whom he assisted to pursue his secondary education at the Pope John’s Seminary and Secondary School. Fr. Baddoo did not only assist the boy to further his education, he became a true father to his family, providing social and spiritual supports, as well as emotional support during bereavements. Today, the boy he mentored is a renowned lawyer.

Another case: a Mass Server of St Theresa Church, Kaneshie, lost his dad while in the early years of his secondary education. Once again, Fr. Baddoo stepped in like a true father. Today, the gentleman is a staunch Catholic and a champion of social justice in Ghana.

There are countless others who testify that Fr. Baddoo baptized them, gave them their First Holy Communion, listened to their confessions, counseled and absolved them, bless their marriages, visited them when they were sick or bereaved, anointed them or their relations when they were sick, celebrated the funeral Masses for their relations, etc.

Furthermore, having served as a priest for 45 years, some of the people to whom Fr. Baddoo once ministered might have gone ahead of him to heaven. These and other saints are also testifying in the presence of God.

  1. The Testimony of Christ when a Priest dies

Most importantly, when a priest dies, Christ Himself testifies to the Heavenly Father. This is the assurance which Christ gives to all, but especially to priests, since they share in His priesthood in a special way: “Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven” (Matt. 10:32).

To appreciate the testimony of Christ when a priest dies, we need to go back to His last declaration before His death on the cross. He said, as we heard in the gospel reading, “It is finished!” (John 19:30). While, this statement means that Christ has completed the mission of salvation which the Father had entrusted to Him, there is another lesson I wish to suggest. That is, what Christ could do as a man came to an end when He died, and so subsequently, He will use other men to perpetuate His mission or mystery of salvation (cf. John 20:21).

Therefore, when a priest dies, the testimony of Christ before the Heavenly Father goes like this: “Father, you witnessed and accepted the completion of my salvific work as man. Subsequently, you call many men, even if before their births, to share in My unique priestly ministry.

“Father, this priest accepted your call to dedicate his entire life, abilities and capabilities in selfless service to Me and My Church.

“Father, I used this priest’s heart, like a transplanted heart, so that many people could experience God’s love in a concrete way. Through him, the poor, the needy, the discouraged, the disappointed and others experienced divine love.

“Father, I used his voice, like a microphone, to proclaim the good news of salvation, to encourage many and console the bereaved.

“Father, I used his feet, like a pair of shoes, to visit places and people where My voice was not audible enough.

“Father, I used his hands, like the cross of Calvary, to extend my blessings to souls whose number the priest himself could not count. That is not all that I used his hands for. By his hands, I gave new life to souls through Baptism; I forgave sins at the confessional; I consecrated bread and wine into My Body and Blood to nourish souls; I strengthened some souls with the presence of the Holy Spirit; I anointed and healed the sick; I blessed many marriages; I recommended many who are now good priests; etc.

“Father, I used his ill-health and other trials to remind many that My crucifixion is Your power to save those who believe (cf. 1 Cor. 1:18,22-24).

“Father, there is more to be said about this priest, but there is no need to go on, as You know everything. So, Father, let me conclude my mediation for him this way: Please, mercifully overlook his sins (especially, as I used him to forgive countless sinners) and receive him into Paradise!”

Now, regarding our brother, Fr. Baddoo, I think our Lord Jesus would allow me to summarize what He is saying in his favour: “Father Almighty, for more than 45 years, I used Fr. Baddoo’s heart, voice, hands, feet, trials, etc., to minister to countless souls, some of whom are already with us here in heaven and have lifted up their voices in prayer to you. So, Father, overlook his sins (especially, as his dedication at the confessional was phenomenal) and receive him into the heavenly kingdom.”


When a priest dies, the testimonies of many people rise up to the presence of the Heavenly Father.

When a priest dies, those whom he ministered to and had preceded him to heaven intercede for him.

When a priest dies, other saints also intercede for him.

Most importantly, when a priest dies, Christ Himself mediates for him.

Finally, may all the testimonies about Fr. Baddoo, the intercession of the saints and above all, the mediation of Christ usher him into heaven!


By Most Rev. John Kobina Louis

Bishop John Kobina Louis

Most Rev. John Kobina Louis is an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Accra, Ghana. More about him here.

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