READINGS: Isaiah 52:7-10/ Hebrews 1:1-6/ John 1:1-18
Christmas Day

Some early Christians in the ancient city of Rome missed the point about the joy of their citizenship of the kingdom of heaven. For them it was a matter of eating and drinking. To correct this wrong notion, St. Paul wrote to them: ‘the kingdom of God does not mean food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit’ (Rom. 14:17, RSVCE). Like those early Christians in the ancient city of Rome, many Christians today have so much associated Christmas with eating and drinking that the essence of the Saviour’s birth seems to elude them. For example, there have been cases of family feuds just because fathers/husbands could not provide enough money for food and drinks. Furthermore, the aggressive nature of modern commercialization seems to further relegate the spiritual value of Christmas to the background.

With this Christmas, therefore, let us begin to celebrate our Saviour’s birth with the right emphasis on its spiritual value. In this respect, this homily sheds light on three of the several aspects of the spiritual value of Christmas: (a) the true joy of the Saviour’s birth, (b) amazing divine love and (c) sharers in divine nature.


Yes, the birth of our Saviour has to be celebrated with joy. We, however, need to get the perspective right. It is not the food and drinks which make the celebration joyful; rather, the fact of his birth is the source of our joy. Like an overjoyed couple whose long-awaited first-born child is eventually delivered, so the people of God of old were expected to rejoice at the birth of the centuries-awaited Messiah. Thus, an angel announced to the shepherds: ‘behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people’ (Luke 2:10).

Moreover, as the Son of God, the birth of the Saviour rejoiced not only humans but angels as well. Thus, the choir of angels sang joyfully in praise of God: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!’ (Luke 2:14).

While the birth of a child brings joy, his/her birthday as an adult brings greater joy if his/her achievements are great. In that case, the celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ should be the most joyful since his achievements supersede all the achievements of mankind.

Furthermore, as the evil plots of King Herod and his associates could not distract Mother Mary, St. Joseph, the wise men, the shepherds and others from rejoicing at the Saviour’s birth, so no (past or present) problem or setback (e.g. lack of money, food, drink, new clothing, etc.) should take away our joy in the Saviour’s birth. Therefore, whether in plenty of material prosperity or the lack of it, let us first and foremost rejoice in our hearts and minds, and express our appreciation to God for the birth of our Saviour. Again, if we are materially prosperous, let us eat and drink in the manner that befits the presence of our divine birthday-celebrant. In addition, if we are materially fortunate, let us, on the behalf of our Lord, invite the needy to dine with us.


‘When the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons’ (Gal. 4:4-5). This sending forth into world or the birth of God’s Son was as a result of the love of God (cf. John 3:16). St. John explains further this amazing love of God: ‘This is how the love of God was revealed to us: God sent his only Son into the world that we might have life through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins’ (1 John 4:9-10; GN).

Therefore, the amazement of the love of God could be seen in several ways: firstly, that he gave us, not just one of his several Sons, but his one and only begotten Son; secondly, that he sent his only Son (not when we were obedient to him but) when we were displeasing him with our sinful acts (cf. Rom. 5:6-11); thirdly, that his Son was to make the ultimate sacrifice to atone for our sins; and fourthly, that his Son had to humble himself to take on the human nature which is infinitely lower than his divine nature (cf. Phil 2:6-11).

Beloved, in sending his Son, God loved us much more than expressed here. His amazing and ineffable love should joyfully engage our minds and hearts this Christmas and beyond.


The third cause of our joy in celebrating the birth of the Saviour is the fact that by becoming human, he has made us sharers or partakers in the divine nature (cf. 2 Peter 1:4).

Consider this: not only is the human nature infinitely lower than the divine nature, our sins have made us infinitely distant from the divine (cf. Rom. 3:23); and yet because of the Saviour’s birth and the mission he fulfilled through his cross and resurrection, we have become sharers in the divine nature. That is, those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Saviour have been adopted as God’s children and as they faithfully live by his commandment of love they will eventually enjoy the heavenly glory forever (cf. 1 John 3:1-3). This is simply amazing!


Beloved, in this Christmas season, may the true joy of Jesus’ birth uplift our spirits, may our amazement of God’s love spur us on to love him and our neighbour the more, and may our sharing in the nature of God become henceforth the yardstick for assessing anything we have or will ever desire to have. Amen!


By Very Rev. Fr. John Louis

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